Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Thrillerfest 2016 for real this time

Every year we cover an event called Thrillerfest which is probably one of the greatest things you can do for yourself as a writer...

ok deja vu

but seriously it is. It is filled with classes taught by the bestselling authors and then you have an opportunity to meet them one on one

Im kidding that guy totally gives autographs

also the authors will sign whatever you want, whenever you want.

They love getting approached in the bathroom especially. Don't bother washing first let the creativity flow from one free thinking spirit to the next.

But on a serious note- I learn every time I go and have a great time. You do get to meet/ stalk authors you wouldn't normally get a chance to encounter without an entourage and have personal conversations with them. They are approachable unless you're really boring.

Luckily for my wife and myself we are amazing and interesting people. Everyone comes up to us and starts conversations. "Hey who the hell are you and why are you sticking a camera in my face?" It's great!

This year we did get to meet the author of GONE GIRL, Gillian Flynn and after a brief stalking we were able to have a pleasant discussion with her. I will post that video soon and validate my existence for everyone.

Once during the event they have pitchfest which allows up and coming authors to pitch to the agent of their choice in the hopes of getting a deal. I've done it for several years now and nope still no deal, but one day maybe in the bathroom. Agents love when you follow them in there, especially opposite genders- it's a real attention grabber.

After the classes they have a cocktail party where people get drunk and grabby.

In conclusion an overall great event that no one should miss.

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