Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Thrillerfest 2016 for real this time

Every year we cover an event called Thrillerfest which is probably one of the greatest things you can do for yourself as a writer...

ok deja vu

but seriously it is. It is filled with classes taught by the bestselling authors and then you have an opportunity to meet them one on one

Im kidding that guy totally gives autographs

also the authors will sign whatever you want, whenever you want.

They love getting approached in the bathroom especially. Don't bother washing first let the creativity flow from one free thinking spirit to the next.

But on a serious note- I learn every time I go and have a great time. You do get to meet/ stalk authors you wouldn't normally get a chance to encounter without an entourage and have personal conversations with them. They are approachable unless you're really boring.

Luckily for my wife and myself we are amazing and interesting people. Everyone comes up to us and starts conversations. "Hey who the hell are you and why are you sticking a camera in my face?" It's great!

This year we did get to meet the author of GONE GIRL, Gillian Flynn and after a brief stalking we were able to have a pleasant discussion with her. I will post that video soon and validate my existence for everyone.

Once during the event they have pitchfest which allows up and coming authors to pitch to the agent of their choice in the hopes of getting a deal. I've done it for several years now and nope still no deal, but one day maybe in the bathroom. Agents love when you follow them in there, especially opposite genders- it's a real attention grabber.

After the classes they have a cocktail party where people get drunk and grabby.

In conclusion an overall great event that no one should miss.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Thrillerfest 2016 (Nevermind it actually became just a post about weed)

Every year we cover an event called Thrillerfest which is probably one of the greatest things you can do for yourself as a writer...

for example we got to meet Lee Child author of The Jack Reacher series which, if you haven't read it, go fucking read it. I had not even heard of the series until the movie came out and I met him a few years ago. I was expecting a cheesy action movie, but was blown away then I read a few books and the quick pace and clever writing makes the books insanely great. I can read one in a few days depending on how much time I have. That being said I also just found out that he is a pot head. basically from this picture as I searched for authors and high in google:

Then to see if it was bullshit I found these two articles to confirm a random jpeg:

Now we have something to discuss next year.

these guys create a lot of great shit high

A lot of talented people smoke and do work and in theory that sounds great. I had a friend who used to smoke and work out and functioned better at his job high than normal. As for me

I cannot do shit while I'm high. If I get one second in front of the TV it's over. I will watch the dumbest shit on the planet and occasionally write down some gibberish that will need a forensic scientist to translate (do they do that?)

I've become a fan of edibles where people create tasty treats

anyone trying this (probably not because of my page) but either way it's a different experience:

I'm assuming those sites are good but I don't fact check. that's why I focus on fantasy books. You can't tell me a place I made up is wrong- fuck you.

This is bascially me when I smoke:

so i try not to do it too often since I get fat then depressed and have to vomit to stay pretty like all of the other authors out there.

but usually what is allegedly a day of writing while the ideas flood my brain box as I'm high turns into this:

or the much less appealing version:
Either way kids... don't do drugs. 
(Unless you are productive on drugs in which case you should definitely do drugs because not only will you get more shit done, but people will think you're cool and want to hang out with you.)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thrillerfest 2016 (Nevermind it actually became just a post about drinking)

Every year we cover an event called Thrillerfest which is probably one of the greatest things you can do for yourself as a writer...

Get drunk with other writers.

now i personally am not a fan of drinking and writing. (Plus I don't own any cats)

Though some people have had a huge success with it.

I do feel that adderall and vicodin help, but when I drink too much i get a bad headache and loss of will to do anything productive. At past jobs, some people would drink and work doing manual labor or dealing with customers and I just can't. If you want me to lift heavy things I'm not dong that shit drunk.

If you want me to tolerate someone complaining without telling them to fuck off also not going to happen.

The switch has been hit. usually when I'm drunk its flipped to the top so that is a distraction in itself.

and its more like this:
sidenote: this is what popped up when i typed in drunk writers now i'm not complaining but I don't see this chick writing anything so who would tag this like that. There was also a picture of a slug being fed some other equally disgusting bug which unless being fed by a drunk writer it makes no sense. Im not putting up that picture because well it's gross.

I think this post was originally about Thrillerfest but well I'll save that for the next one so I look productive. Also coming soon Bestsellers and Booze should be happening again. I know you're all excited -the two of you. It will contain pairings of cocktails with books two of the favorite things of most authors and readers. Drink up!